The Problem with “Temp to Perm”

Kathleen Peterson Rants & Raves by Kathleen Peterson

“Temp to Perm” is typically associated with hiring staff on a temporary basis with the possibility of them being considered for a permanent position. That is not what this article is about. I have come upon a much more sinister Temp to Perm plot! That plot is to be found in the organizational models, process disciplines, and technology use and …

Arson Investigation in the Contact Center?

Kathleen Peterson Rants & Raves by Kathleen Peterson

Contact Centers have long been plagued by the practice of fire fighting. This is the reason given for not attending to planning, analysis, or other quality initiatives. “We don’t have time for that – we are too busy putting out fires.” If you are fighting fires all day, every day, they will never go out. Embers of the flames remain …

Help Me, Please!

Kathleen Peterson Rants & Raves by Kathleen Peterson

A Personal Perspective on the Customer Experience It had been quite a while since I personally had to contact anyone in Customer Service … that is, until this week when I had the opportunity to interact with six Contact Centers. I now have a fresh perspective. Bottom line: experiences vary widely from business to business. However, the elements of good …

Challenge Everything!

Kathleen Peterson Rants & Raves by Kathleen Peterson

As we approach 2016 (yes, dates on your calendar are closer than they appear), I think it is fitting to propose that we decide to challenge everything. The Customer Experience revolution is upon us. In order to compete and to win the loyalty of our customers, we must be willing to challenge everything we do and have done. Most importantly, …

Dear Santa

Kathleen Peterson Rants & Raves by Kathleen Peterson

Another year has passed and it is time once again to celebrate this year’s Contact Center achievements. It is a time to ponder all those wonderful “learning moments” and the TONS of accomplishments we have made. However, I must alert you to some “gifts” that Contact Centers need this year because there is still so much more to be done. …

A Good Job?

Kathleen Peterson Rants & Raves by Kathleen Peterson

There have been many stories in the news lately about the Employee Experience. There is The New York Times story of the horrors of actually working at and the story of Air France employees who stormed an executive meeting where job cuts were being discussed. The Air France employees literally chased the executives, tore their clothes off, and assaulted …

Customer Experience … The Bottom Line on Financial Objectives

Kathleen Peterson Rants & Raves by Kathleen Peterson

The Customer Experience strategy cannot be provided at a loss if profitability, or even sustainability, is important to your organization. Customer Experience is at the heart of most of today’s executive strategies, but it is execution that matters. Execution determines when and if objectives are met. Strategic plans come complete with all sorts of objectives; of late, financial objectives occupy …

How 2 Brand U

Kathleen Peterson Rants & Raves by Kathleen Peterson

We all need to engage in continuous learning about Brand – our company brand, creating a branded experience, generating brand energy, etc. But what about our personal Brand? I’d like to spur some thinking on How 2 Brand U (that is Brand Y O U). Each of us in this mighty workplace brings something to the table. Do you know what that something is? Have …

Easy to Get is Hard to Get Rid of – Ode to Leo J.

Kathleen Peterson Rants & Raves by Kathleen Peterson

My father travelled quite a bit for both business and pleasure. Once on a trip to Denmark he was entertained at a business associate’s home. The hostess asked Dad to sign the tablecloth which was covered in signatures of previous guests and then embroidered; this created a very colorful and memorable piece. Dad naturally bought several beautiful linen tablecloths home …

Which Is It … Supervisor or Super Agent?

Kathleen Peterson Rants & Raves by Kathleen Peterson

Contact Center Supervisors are the first tier of management at the front line of the Customer Experience. But are they REALLY Supervisors or simply Super Agents? Webster defines Supervisor as “one who is in charge of a particular department or unit.” Are your Supervisors really “in charge?” My experience lately has been to see the role of Supervisor weakened to …